Our bodies are constantly repairing in ways we can’t see. So replenishing with food that’s wholesome, clean, full of goodness and vibrancy is one of the best ways to care for your body.
Here is my pumpkin sauce pasta.
400 to 500g pumpkin
½ bulb garlic
Few sprigs rosemary
¼ cup cream or plant milk
Tsp veggie stock
Favourite pasta ( I used Marchetti pasta from Coles)
Pre heat oven to 180 deg C
Slice pumpkin in wedges, massage with 1 tsp oil, then place on a baking tray with ½ bulb garlic. Place rosemary sprigs on tray, then salt.
Place in oven and cook for about 45 mins. Check. Its should be well cook, browning on edges and lovely and soft in the middle.
In your blender, place pumpkin, cream or plant milk, squeeze the garlic from the bulb and add to blender, along with about ½ tsp of the now dried rosemary and the veggie stock.
Blend, taste and add salt as required.
Cook pasta according to pack directions. Drain.
Add pumpkin sauce to pasta.